7 Things You Should Never Be Scared To Say In A Relationship


Last Updated on May 2, 2020

5. Saying you’re unsure

There should always exist a little bit of compromise in a relationship, but that shouldn’t mean you have to let go of your dreams or ambitions because they don’t match your partner’s.

Especially at the beginning of a relationship, is always good to know what the other person wants for the future, do they value family more? Money? Do they want to live in another country? There are so many basic questions that ultimately will make you realize if that person is a match or not.

It’s normal if you don’t know yet what you want for the future, but you should never say yes to something you’re not sure about it.

A lot of relationship problems come from “misunderstandings” that happen early in the relationship.

And then, after five years of being together, one of you says I’m ready to start, and family and the other is about to hop on a plane to travel the world.

6. Expressing your opinion.

Having an opinion is important, not only in a relationship but in your overall life!

From deciding where you want to eat dinner, to picking a color to paint the living room, if you’re craving pizza and you love yellow paint just say it!

Your partner might think yellow is horrible, and in that case, you can always come to a consensus. However, stating your opinion only shows you’re a person that’s opinionated and able to make decisions.

Some people find that to be very sexy and intriguing, so don’t be scared to have an opinion, even if you’re not in a long term relationship.

7. Saying No!

Want to know how to have a long-lasting relationship? Learn to say no!

Think about it, how easy and boring would a relationship be if the two of you always agreed with each other? You would probably come to a conclusion where you’d be better off as friends.

In a romantic relationship, there should be love sparks but also some dangerous lightning from time to time to spice things up or to open the way for a healthy discussion.


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