How To Avoid Toxic Manipulative Relationships

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Last Updated on January 8, 2021

3. Don’t blame yourself

One of the most common manipulation signs is that the person who is manipulated ends up feeling guilty. Of course, this is the main objective of the person who’s manipulating you to get you to feel bad about something, even if there’s nothing to feel sorry for. Their goal is to look for your weaknesses and fears, exploiting them. When you find yourself in these situations, take a step back and ask yourself: Is this person making sense? Is this person showing genuine respect for me? Is this conversation making me feel good? If the answer is no to every single reasonable question that crosses your mind, likely, the problem isn’t you. Therefore, there’s nothing to feel bad about.

4. Let them know you have a voice

Don’t back down just because you feel threatened; instead, show them you have a voice. When you feel like someone is trying to force you into doing something or feel a certain type of way, they need a reality check. And how can you provide this for them? Ask them, “Are you asking or telling me?” or “Does this sound fair to you?” “Do I have a say in this?” These questions will make the manipulator realize what he’s implying and how manipulative he’s being. If they don’t realize this, they have no sense of self-awareness, almost like a narcissist. They will insist on what they were saying, which means that they are not the best person for you to socialize with. Nonetheless, never show weakness to a manipulator.

5. Saying no and taking your time

Since manipulator’s objective is to control you, they normally pressure you by giving you a little time to answer their questions or requests. Even though it may be difficult to play hard to get, it’s exactly what you have to do. You can’t show them that they have so much influence on you to make you answer everything right away; instead, show them you can also take control of things and say something like “I’ll think about it” or “Let’s talk later.” Taking your time and expressing it shows strength and assertiveness, something manipulators aren’t used to. Saying no is also a sign of strength; even if you feel pressured into saying yes, please consider your actual feelings, and if in your heart you know the answer is no, don’t be afraid to say it.
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