10 true signs he loves you more!

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Last Updated on January 17, 2021

7. They’re always paying attention

So, what are the other signs he is madly in love with you? Do they pay attention to you? Firstly, everybody only pay attention to stuff that interests them. It can be a football game, a tv show, and of course, you. When people are bored or have no interest in someone, everything that comes out of their mouth is just noise at some point. You can be hearing it, but you’re not actually interested and taking it seriously because you just don’t care about them as a person. If your partner, however, is always super attentive whenever you talk, even about the most random stuff, then he’s a real keeper. Because what matters to him is not what the topic is, but the fact that it’s coming out of your mouth. And that’s one of true signs he loves you.

8. They apologize all the time

Apologizing all the time can be quite annoying and sometimes a sign of insecurity. It is very important that in a romantic relationship, there is mutual respect and a high level of comfort to be totally honest and speak your mind. Whenever someone apologizes a lot, it can translate as insecurity of losing their partner. You can interpret this as a sign of love: they love you so much they don’t want to upset you or have arguments with you. So they just apologize over and over again. But it can also be interpreted as an unhealthy habit of always taking the blame just because they don’t want you mad at them. Relationship goals involve a guarantee that you are both comfortable. So stay tuned to someone who over apologizes: this demonstrates that they are not feeling comfortable with their partner. æ

9. They text or call you more often

If texting was a race, who do you think would have the first prize? It’s not about how many texts you send, but how many times is the interaction starting with them vs. with you. And also, it is not a question of comparing interactions in detail, but especially of noting major imbalances. This is another one of the physical signs of love: the simple act of grabbing a phone and dialing a number, sending a picture, or texting your partner. It can be just to ask how they are, send a cute gif, or something else. If you truly think about it, how many times have you initiated this type of contact in relation to your partner? This can tell you a lot about who’s thinking more of the other person and who lacks spontaneous communication.
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