Stop Feeling Guilty For You Are On The Right Path


Last Updated on May 16, 2019


Remember Pharell Williams song? The song Happy is not just the words that make you jump, also the smiley faces, full of life and void of regrets and guilt, that showed up in the video clip. Want to know something interesting?

It is guilt that makes the little white hairs conquer your black youthful hair. In fact, it is guilt which can kill you prematurely. At specific points in life, you would feel guilty.

Sometimes, it could be for something terrible you have done, and other times, for no apparent reason. The latter might make finding happiness again harder. According to Thea Gallagher, PsyD, several people feel guilty for letting themselves down.

As they do not level up to their high expectations, they tend to blame themselves through feeling guilty. This is an issue that many people who grow in an environment, forcing them to be perfect all the time and to act flawlessly.

The rules and standards that were imposed on them in their childhood stick with them as they grow old. Read the 10 ways and tips to stop feeling guilty for you are already gorgeous.


1Own Your Choices

©Barb Raveling

Don’t ever try to blame someone else for your decisions and choices. Plus, no need to feel depressed, ending up in need of stress remedies or mental health counseling programs to live without guilt.

Before making any choice, think twice. Don’t do this when it is too late. Feeling regret and guilt will not change reality. But take it easy and don’t be harsh on yourself.

Even if a choice you made turned to be wrong, bear in mind that at the moment you made it, it was the right thing to do. Things change and so do your choices. Don’t keep saying: I should have done this or that, this would make things even worse.

The past has passed; you simply reacted to facts given the circumstances. A psychologist named Dr. John Mayer advises people who feel constant guilt to sit for a moment, remind themselves they did your best, and promise that they will handle things differently next time. Then let the guilt fly away.


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