8 Surprising Things Women Find Attractive In Men!


Last Updated on October 20, 2020

© Pexels

A toxic person would tell you that the most important thing in a relationship is physical attraction, which is a complete lie!

Even though it’s very important, attraction doesn’t have to be just physical, it can be mental and emotional as well. Having the three, a physical, mental and emotional connection is a sign of a healthy relationship, which means that none is more important than the other.

This article’s objective is to inform you about what women might find attractive in men, not only physically but also in terms of personality and some attitudes men might have that can attract them or repel them.

So, without any further ado, find out for yourself what women find attractive in men!

1. A successful career

Before you assume that women who are attracted to successful men are all gold diggers, stop right there!

Even though financial success is important nowadays, meaning you get to buy a house and start your independent life, when it comes to dating and careers, you might be surprised as to what women find attractive.

Take tinder for, example, or even Facebook; besides the picture, what do you see right after? That’s right, normally people immediately tell you what they do for a living, which is understandable since that topic might be a great way to start conversations.

Doctors, policemen, and firefighters are very popular careers that appeal to women. The main reason is because of the uniforms, (it’s true, women love a man in a uniform!), but also the feeling of security that they might feel if they end up with someone who has the ability to take care of them if something goes wrong.

Besides these professions, hosts on tv or radio are also very popular among the female audience, normally because it takes a charismatic personality and a lot of sense of humor to pursue such a career, and women love to laugh!

2. Playing hard to get

For some reason, we only hear this the other way around. But, to our surprise, women actually enjoy men playing hard to get!

The reason why they like it is pretty understandable.

Women are used to “easy” men. But when a certain guy doesn’t immediately show how into a woman he is, or maybe gives a cold shoulder, that might be just enough to make her go crazy (in a good way).

For a woman that’s used to get all the attention she wants from other men, she won’t find it difficult to get that same attention from you, but that’s where you should turn the tables and act like you don’t really care.

Just be careful not to disrespect her and still maintain a healthy relationship with her for a week or two, and then, give in.

She’ll be so happy that she finally captured your attention and affection!

3. Having a pet

If you are a pet parent, you probably notice all the attention you get on the streets when walking your dog, from everyone, including women.

This is because pets are extremely cute creatures and normally, they end up making a connection with random people in the street and then you’re obligated to step in, maybe to just express how sorry you are. But normally, nobody gets mad over a fluffy dog jumping to their lap!

Dogs are a great magnet for girls! But besides this obvious reason, women are more likely to date a man who owns a pet than one who doesn’t because it naturally means that the man in question is caring, nurturing, and potentially, a great future dad!

It may seem rushed, but sometimes, both men and women, when looking for a match, have these thoughts inside their heads!

4. A deep voice

Just like men wouldn’t always enjoy a deep voice on a girl, women also wouldn’t enjoy a high pitched voice on a man.

Although we all have different unique voices, normally women tend to be attracted to the opposite of themselves. Not only when it comes to personality, but also the voice.
A deep voice is normally associated with a big, manly figure, which is exactly what most women are attracted to.

If you don’t have a deep voice, that’s totally ok! Women are different and so is their taste in men. For example, some women may like men who are skinny and pale, while others may like muscular and tanned men.

5. The color red

When thinking about the color red, what comes to your mind? That’s right! Red is known as the color of love and passion all around the world, and because of that, wearing red on your first date might be a great way to score a second date!

Of course, you shouldn’t constantly wear red, that’s just weird, but it’s a great trick if you are really trying to make a good impression on the first date!

Your dressing style is also important when meeting someone for the first time. The first image we have of somebody is very important and normally gets stuck in our heads for a long time!

So, if you’re not too keen on fashion or clothes in general, wearing T-shirts (maybe a red one) and some denim pants might be the safest choice!

6. Age

It’s known that women reach maturity faster than men, which makes them feel more connected to someone that shares the same level of maturity as them.

A known study shows men only reach full emotional maturity at the age of 43, as for women, they reach the same level at 32.

These 11 years between the two genders might seem a lot, but in reality, we see a lot of age gaps in modern dating. Even if parents have big age gaps between them, we just don’t acknowledge it as strange because in our minds, being 40 or 50 is basically the same!

A study has shown that women, when in a relationship with older men, have fewer relationship problems compared to when they date someone of the same age.

So, maybe this maturity thing has some truth to it!

If you notice, even on dating apps, while the age men tend to look for is younger or slightly older, women mostly look for older only!

7. Reserved men

When looking for a partner, most women don’t want the king of the party or the most popular in the room, instead, they find themselves attracted to the opposite.

The serious guy that rarely smiles or shows any emotion also known as “bad boy” is probably what most women would describe as “sexy” and “intriguing.”

Women are curious, and they can’t help the fact that they have this enormous urge to find out everything they possibly can about a potential romantic interest.

A quiet and reserved man is full of secrets, which makes women intrigued, eager to know more and more.

8. Self-confidence

This might seem like the opposite of the point made above but it isn’t.

Normally, the party guy, who’s popular and surrounded by many friends has the biggest insecurity issues, that’s why he surrounds himself with people.

However, a man with a strong personality is not always the quietest or the loudest in the room, but you can certainly feel his confidence from a mile away. Women are most attracted to men with high self-esteem.

At the end of the day attraction between men and women can differ in many ways. These 8 traits, even if based on gender stereotypes, possess a lot of truth in them.

If you’re not too keen on secrets and these misleading games a couple might play with one another, a simple way to fix this is through open communication.

You’re not sure if that person likes you? Talk to them! After all, the beginning of a romantic relationship should also start with healthy communication between the two partners.

We hope you got some answers out of this article, and don’t forget to share this with your friends, it might save their time when it comes to understanding women!


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