5 Signs Your Relationship Could Turn Violent


Last Updated on June 3, 2020

3. Mate Retention Behaviors

Florida Atlantic University conducted a series of three studies regarding the manipulation techniques used by men to maintain this relationship.

To do so, the team of investigators examined 560 women who reported on their abusive partners, and 1,461 men who were willing to discuss their mate retention behaviors.

Adding to this study, they also interviewed 107 couples, in a total of 214 people, and they each reported violent or mate retention behaviors as well. This study concluded that all these factors could point out violence in the future. From that list of behaviors, we can point out the following:

• Always wanting to know their partners’ whereabouts

• Emotional manipulation

• Showing up unannounced to “check-up.”

• Calling constantly to make sure their partner is where they said they would be

• Trying to be the only person their partner spends time with

• Accusing their partner of infidelity and making threats

The so-called mate retention behaviors are unhealthy ways to prevent the other person from deserting the relationship.

The most used technique would be the constant vigilance of their partners, and it’s also the one factor that is closely linked to escalating violence. Victims can sometimes be oblivious to these signs of abuse, but the people around them can also play a big role in detecting them and preventing further escalation.

4. Domestic Violence Kills

As the patterns of violence start mutating and becoming worse, the inherent danger will increase as well. Statistics show that domestic violence-related deaths seem to occur after the victim had left the perpetrator or when they were about to do so.

Again, women make up the majority of these victims, but it’s always good to remember that violence can happen to all genders.

5. Do Not Ignore The Signs

Sometimes you might be the one in a toxic relationship, and other times it might be someone close to you. Either way, it’s always good to keep your eyes open for red flags.

Like we have mentioned before, violence can start silently – it can start with seemingly innocent insults, or with a partner who tells their victim to change their clothes, or to never talk to that person again.


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