5 Signs Your Man Loves You And 5 Signs He’s Using You!


Last Updated on February 24, 2020

If a man loves you, he would proudly introduce you to his friends or family instead of hiding you like he is ashamed of you.

2. He ghosts you

Does your partner cancel on you at the last minute or simply ghosts you at random times? He is probably just using you.

If he genuinely respects and cares about your feelings, he would inform you beforehand that he wouldn’t be able to meet up with you instead of just disappearing on you and come back when he wants something.

This means that he doesn’t care whether he hurt your feelings or wasted your time or not. He wants everything to go according to his own plans, regardless of your feelings or time.

1. He provokes you

If someone provokes you to make a scene in public and then plays the victim, this person is a complete manipulator and a toxic human being.

A man who loves you and genuinely cares about you would never deliberately try to trigger negative emotions in you or make you feel horrible about yourself. A man who is manipulating you would gladly do just that.

And those were the signs of love and manipulation in relationships. Make sure to recognize them and cut off toxic people from your life!


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