10 Teller Signs He Is Playing Mind Games With You!


Last Updated on April 18, 2020

If he does that, he is either trying to achieve power over you because he has you exactly where he wants, or he is using you until he finds someone else to dump you for.

Don’t just give in to feelings of dread and insecurity when you can be happy in a healthier relationship!

6. He tries to make you jealous

Some people really do enjoy seeing their partners all flustered and insecure as they’re flirting with someone else. That should never be tolerated at all because it’s a major toxic behavior in a relationship.

It also goes to show just how insecure your partner is, if he tries to make you jealous often.

We recommend that you discuss this with him calmly. If he doesn’t cooperate, then you don’t have to be at the receiving of such toxic mind games.

7. He gives you empty promises

When was the last time your guy did something he promised he would? If you can’t remember any time where he actually fulfilled his promises, welcome to mind games!
A manipulative person is very good at giving empty promises to people.

For example, he promises he will “change” but never does, he says he will break a toxic habit but doesn’t make the effort, or even tells you he will never cheat but does exactly that.

Life is too short to be a victim of toxicity, the same way that it is too short to play mind games. But that is his problem, not yours.
Isn’t it better to just move on, then?

8. It’s all about him and himself!

There should be no room for absolute selfishness in a healthy relationship. One of the biggest signs of a toxic relationship is when one of you only thinks about themselves and disregards the other’s feelings or well-being.

If your partner likes to play the victim every time you confront him about something, refuses to apologize when he’s in the wrong, and even gets angry and aggressive after, then he is a mind gamer and it’s definitely not worth your time.


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