10 Teller Signs He Is Playing Mind Games With You!


Last Updated on April 18, 2020

Do not just sit and take it, confront your partner about it because that may destroy your self-esteem in the future.

3. He plays hard to get

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that playing hard to get is equal to playing mind games. If your man is being hot and cold, tells you he loves you one moment then disappears on you the next, he is playing you!

People in healthy relationships do not play hard to get to grab their partners’ attention or please their ego. Instead, their relationship is built on trust, respect, open communication, and healthy communication.

They don’t have to play hard to get because they love each other enough and are mature enough not to do so. So, if your boyfriend tends to ignore you without explanation, then start talking to you again after a while, then they may not be worth your time. It’s better to move on and protect your sanity!

4. He acts like he’s not interested

If your boyfriend pretends to not care about you or acts like he’s no longer interested but then starts chasing you when you leave him alone, he is playing emotional hide-and-seek!

This is pretty similar to playing hard to get because they are both done to achieve control or capture your attention, which is an obvious sign of emotional immaturity. A mature, confident man with healthy self-esteem would never act that way, so that should tell you something.

You should never tolerate emotional abuse, but it’s up to you whether you want to solve this with your partner or move on.

5. He makes you feel like he’ll dump you

Do you feel like your boyfriend is going to break up with you any second? Does he act like he’s done with you today, but then he shows you affection the next day?

This isn’t just acting hot and cold, this is called emotional abuse. No one should ever experience feelings of insecurity in their relationship because of their partner.


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