© Stretch When it comes to being in a relationship, there are always ups and downs. Fights and misunderstandings are normal from time to time, but what keeps a serious relationship going, is the fact that above everything, two...
© Inc.com Being in a serious relationship can be quite amazing – you have someone you love by your side, and you can both grow together and add a lot to each other's lives. But every long-lasting relationship has its...
© Power of Positivity What does it mean to be in love? Is it unconditionally loving someone else despite their flaws? Is it wanting to be with them every minute? Or is it something deeper that none of us have...
“Why do people get married, anyway?” have you ever asked yourself that? Well, while the reasons for getting married differ from one person to another, the basic idea is that people marry each other to share a life-long commitment with...
©Weddingwire We all do our best to avoid toxic relationships but sometimes there is just no running away from a bad experience. After all, it’s from our failed experiences that we get to learn and grow as individuals and partners...
© LovePanky If you can relate to these signs, then the last thing you should be doing is seeking a new partner. In fact, you’ll need to urgently focus on yourself. I suppose we are all too familiar with how it...
© BrightSide If you asked anyone about relationships, they will tell that they are harder than you can imagine! That’s true, no one told us it was easy, and no one was fortunate enough to be born knowing all the...
© Bustle Everyone has little everyday habits that are so common yet we don’t even notice them. But apparently, scientists say that some of our habits can reveal certain aspects of our personality that we keep hidden. So, today we bring...
© Inspiring Tips Respect in a relationship can be the foundation for everything. Respecting your partner means perceiving them as a whole, with all their worth and all their flaws. And also accept that they are different from you, and...
© Times of India Most people might say the first year of a romantic relationship is the easier one. Everything goes smoothly because the passion is at the maximum level, sort of like the honeymoon phase. But that's a wrong...