7 Ways On How To Survive The First Year Of A Relationship


Last Updated on May 16, 2020

If you’re a shy person, don’t straight up ignore all his requests, try to maintain healthy communication with your partner, and tell them that even though you’re very happy, he wants to introduce you to his friends, you just don’t feel ready or comfortable enough just yet. Your partner will be sad, but he’ll understand.

3. Don’t turn your boyfriend into a monster when you’re with your friends

Girls usually tend to paint their boyfriends as the villain when they’re with their friends. It doesn’t make sense, but somehow we end up ruining our boyfriend’s image around our friends without even noticing.

This happens because whenever there’s a fight or things go wrong, we tend to vent to our friends and talk about every little negative aspect of our partner. This could lead to negative relationship advice from your friends.

We’re not saying you should sell them an idea of a happy relationship if you’re not in one. But make sure you’re also talking about the positive parts. This way, they can provide you with critical and helpful advice instead of a simple “break up.”

4. Don’t pick fights about minor things

If it’s not that deep, don’t get into it. Unless something hurts you or bugs you, there’s no reason to make a big deal out of it.

If your partner is late to pick you up, doesn’t compliment your new outfit, or doesn’t notice your new haircut, deal with it without having to fight about it.

Of course, it’s on our nature to complain, but why turn it into a real argument? You’ll be throwing negative emotions at your partner for no reason, which can damage the relationship.

5. Be honest about how you feel

Just because you’re used to dealing with things by yourself, when you’re with someone, and you feel like these “things” are hurting you or your relationship or could damage it in the future, you should opt by being honest with your partner and lay it all on the table.


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