7 Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas That Cost Little To Nothing!

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Last Updated on February 15, 2021

4. A Fun Game

Everyone loves scavager hunts, especially when it leads to a special present in the end. All you need is sticky paper and a pen. You can place a lot of them on the floor indicating a path by drawing some arrows, or you can make it a riddle game where you’re making the other person walk around the house and follow the instructions on the sticky notes to find the present. You can also make a fun hide and seek game and hide these stickers in unusual places like inside the fridge or underneath the pillows, and as soon as the other person can find all of the hidden notes, they’ll win the big prize, which can be any of the other options on this list!

5. Star Gazing

Looking at the stars is one of the most romantic things to do. You can make it more amazing by lowering the seats of your car and placing some blankets and pillows there, making it a bed for you two to lay down while looking at the night sky. All you need is a car and a nice view, most likely at a location where you won’t be disturbed by other cars or people. You can also opt for camping; you’ll be in touch with nature and share a great night’s sleep.

6. A physical picture

Nowadays, everyone has their pictures on their phones, but many people don’t have the time to look in their gallery of thousand photos to remember a certain memory. Why not print one memorable picture of you two? Whether that’s a selfie, a photo while traveling, or anything else that brings good memories. Printing a digital picture is not more than one dollar, and this way, your partner will be able to tape it to the wall and remember that moment every day. You can also buy a frame for little money so they can place it on their nightstand.

7. A romantic massage

Yup, we saved the best for last, after all, who doesn’t love a massage? It’s probably one of the best valentine’s day gifts you can offer to someone you’re in a romantic relationship with. First, set the mood by dimming the lights, place a clean, warm towel on the bed, light up some candles, find the best lotion or oils you have around the house and greet your partner like they’re entering an expensive spa. Also, make sure your technique is effective! Lookup for some tips and tutorial videos beforehand so you’re prepared to give your lover the best massage of their life! Your partner will appreciate it, especially after a long day at work! We hope you learned that money is not an issue for celebrating things. There are tons of gifts that you can make on your own or with little to no money in your pocket. It’s also important to know the person you’re with to adapt each present to them and their personality. What truly matters is the work you put into it, and sometimes, a romantic gesture that involves preparation, planning and time, can mean much more than an expensive diamond ring that took 5 minutes to buy.
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