This is Why People Look for Dominant Partners


Last Updated on January 16, 2020

2. It’s important not to confuse dominance with abuse or aggression

Dominant people can be kind, loving, and thoughtful. They can actually make great partners, but if they become violent, then that’s a different story… it’s a red flag! A violent partner is capable of love but tends to express it in a very unhealthy way, which includes excessive control, aggression, and even abuse.

There is a huge difference between dominance and abuse. Women who look for the dominant and submissive kind of relationship should watch out for the alarming signs that they’ll be better off single.

For example, if your spouse is making you do things against your will or preventing you from seeing your family and friends, then it is abuse and you need to seek help ASAP.

1. The impact of childhood on your life is greater than you think

Although we’d like to believe that we have our own thoughts and make adult choices based on reason, unfortunately, our subconscious would always have something to say about that.

In fact, the way we were raised plays a strong role in determining our relationships. For instance, if you’ve been raised by a dominant parent, it means that you’ve subconsciously got used to this kind of lifestyle even if you didn’t like it and when you grow up you eventually seek similar traits in potential partners. Therefore, you end up attracting dominant partners all the time, especially when it comes to intimacy.

When raised in a specific pattern, we always seek to recreate it again in a different way without being aware of it.

Please feel free to leave a comment if you’d like to share some details about your own relationship or tell us whether it’s true that it does have something to do with how you were raised.
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