13 Ways You’re Wasting Your Life But Won’t Admit It!


Last Updated on June 15, 2020

Some people are just holding you back or making you miserable, plain, and simple. So why sticking around? Being with someone you don’t want will only contribute to your unhappiness, and it can and will affect you long term if you don’t let go.

Also, there’s that person who has a very toxic behavior in life, towards you or even influencing it on you. We all need to watch out and make an assessment on if someone is making our life uneasy and miserable. If so, move on, don’t waste your life being with and around toxic people.

4. Too Much On The Phone

This is incredibly annoying and yes, having a phone these days can be vital for an emergency like situations.

But if you’re one of those people who are paying more attention to their phone instead of making new acquaintances and strengthening the bond with friends and family, then shame on you! In all seriousness, this is the type of behavior that needs changing.

Smartphone addiction is a serious thing these days, with people being less and less capable of making real-life connections with others, becoming more and more dial tone like people instead of enjoying the company of others.

You can start making smaller changes here, like leaving the phone away when you’re going to eat or well, not using it at all when you go out to supposedly enjoy your friend’s company.

5. Wasting Money

Money isn’t everything, but you still need it. Consumerism is a very bad habit most people have these days. They spend their money on things they don’t need instead of saving it for more important stuff, like health, kids college, or just maybe saving some for a rainier day, you never know.

It feels good to be able to buy new things and sure, it will give you momentary happiness, but that’s just it, it’s momentary, so why not stop wasting and start investing in your future self!

6. Not Sleeping Well

It’s just right for your health to have quality sleep. If you commonly have bad nights of sleep, you need to figure out quickly what it is that’s making you suffer every time you go to bed.


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