5 Signs Your Partner Doesn’t Trust You!


Last Updated on May 20, 2020

Agreeing with your partner to let them go through your phone is just a big invasion of privacy that won’t cure the lack of trust. Instead, it will only build an obsessive behavior over it.

2. They Pay Attention To Where You Spend Your Money

If your partner is constantly asking you, “Where did you spend these 15 dollars last night?” or “Why did you go to the bank at 1 am to withdraw money?” then they clearly don’t trust you or your decisions.

The thing is, invading someone’s privacy is bad enough, but invading someone’s bank account, just so you can see where they are spending money on, is a whole new level of disrespect.

One thing is to be a control freak over a shared bank account where you and your partner are gathering money to buy a house. So when you see your partner bought something expensive, you feel the need to talk to them about it.

Another thing is to continually interrogate your partner over little things just to make sure they are not going to a strip club or dating someone else.

Whatever the case might be, if your partner does this, talk to them about it, and if they don’t change their attitude, you should change your bank info or get an independent bank account.

3. Questions, Questions And More Questions

When there are insecurities in a relationship, it normally translates to doubting and questioning yourself about your relationship. Most of the time, we try to answer these doubts by examining our partners. Each question is a test. But unfortunately, the test seems never to end.

Sometimes, your partner might even try to trick you into giving the wrong answer just so they can “prove” to themselves that something is wrong when, in reality, it isn’t.

Yes, there might be some trust issues from previous relationships. Maybe they had a cheating partner or something like that, but that doesn’t permit them to treat you like you are guilty of something.


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