7 Time Management Skills Of Successful People You Need To Adopt


Last Updated on January 3, 2020

#6 – Make time for interruptions and distractions

If you kept on planning everything down to the second, you will never have enough time for other challenges. So follow this time management technique and keep one hour (at least) for the unplanned and unexpected challenges that may occur.

If you have a team of employees, then you should schedule open office hour for collaboration and colleagues. It is a fact that over-scheduling yourself will not help you get your work done, it will only keep you falling behind.

#7 – Saying NO and short meetings are the key!

First of all, it is a necessity to learn when to say no because the more you say it, the better you will be able to master your time. There is no time to say yes to a friends’ gathering when you have a million things to do the next day – Sleep is a priority too!

However, successful people recognize which meetings are important to do and attend, and as long as they are short, the employees will be getting the best out of it, which is the best advantage of time management. Experts say that 7 to 11-minutes meetings are enough. So keep it short, professional, fun, and don’t hesitate to say no!


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