8 Ways To Freshen Up Your Long Term Relationship!


Last Updated on July 15, 2020

7. Spend Some Time Apart

It’s easy to lose your sense of self when you have been in a relationship for too long, but it’s not healthy – not for you, not for your partner, and definitely not for your dynamic as a couple. Spend some alone time, go on vacation by yourself, make plans with friends, and don’t take your significant other with you.

The person you are is the person they fell in love with, so it’s important not to let that person disappear into the relationship.

8. Don’t Suppress Negative Emotions

Communication is the major key in any relationship. And negative emotions and feelings need to be expressed just as much as positive ones. Bottling up the things that bother you or make you sad won’t do any good. You will just end up with a resentment pile.

Do you remember the pipe metaphor from before? This is pretty much the same. Communicate your feelings and emotions and have your partner do the same. Together, you can find a way to deal with the things that affect both of you in a way that works for both as well.


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