The 6 Healing Secrets From A Friend’s Unrequited Love


Last Updated on August 22, 2019

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4Stay Away From Media Promoting Romance To Consume

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Media is somehow exaggerative in picturing love as everything. If you got a great romantic relationship, then you got it all, but if you fail to, then you reached the end point of life.

Just do not believe in this nonsense because there are plenty of integral things in life other than romance. That is a bit hard to bear in mind when you walk down the street or in the mall and keep hearing songs about LOVE, LOVE, LOVE… as if it is the only worthwhile thing in life.

You don’t need this when you are going through a break-up or a romantic loss. Watch action movies or listen to the national anthem rather than those romantic movies and love songs.

Romantic media is just going to destroy you more, making you feel that you are actually dead. Bear in mind the fact that fairytales do not exist regardless of what romantic media is promoting about princely love.

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5Imagine Your Feelings As The Third Person In A Relationship

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Imagine your feelings as the third party in your friendship, what will he or she be like? Well here is the formula. You could be simply having a nice after-work lunch with this friend of yours whom you love.

You could be very normal and feeling none of this, but then suddenly if he does anything that fascinates you, the third party will join your table. You will start thinking how amazing would it be if he loves and how a great couple you would be.

The third party, which is your feelings, is pretty wild and out of control. He can sneak into every conversation you have and bring back that vibe within you. You may like the unwanted presence of the third party as much as you may despise and wish it goes away.

This is when you become get thrown off. But you really need to kick your feelings out of the moments you enjoy with your friend. This way, you can listen better to him and to your mind. Behave as if the third party is not present and is not invited anyway.


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