Top 9 Relationship Goals All Couples Should Have

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Last Updated on February 15, 2021

4. Take care of yourself and your partner

It’s not loving that sustains the relationship; it is the way of relating that sustains love. Have you heard that phrase? It is not a cliché by accident, and it masterfully sums up the correlation between feelings and relationships. Understand this as a posture not just to have with your partner, but with yourself. Relationship goals involve habits and routines, which is why they are so associated with the process of growing flowers and plants. There is no point in a bed of roses if the next one is a swamp, right?

5. Balance in dedication

Balance is a watchword always to be taken into account when you think about relationship goals. It doesn’t mean that you should take a ruler to strictly measure how much each of you gives to the relationship, but to feel that how much you give yourself is close to how much the other is dedicated. After all, if one gives much more than the other, it’s probably a one-sided relationship, so that you aren’t in a healthy relationship. The lack of reciprocity is easily perceived and causes discomfort on both sides of the scale.

6. Reciprocal admiration

When you ask what are relationship goals, many people answer that point first. This is because admiration and attraction are two sides of the same coin in loving relationships. Even after a few years, admiration acts as real oxygen in happy relationships. Admiration is that feeling that fascinates you in someone, something that makes you feel a giant pride for being with a certain person. It can be caused by a way of behaving or performance in the profession, for example.

7. Do not idealize the other

Consider the two sides of the coin. Again, a scale that tilts to one side is only harmful to cultivate a relationship. To admire your partner too much can mean idealization, a psychic process by which the object’s qualities and value are associated with perfection. Accepting the other as he is, also in his defects, is the key to be able to dialogue with him in another way. For this, exercising listening and maintaining dialogue is one of the most important relationship goals.
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