How to know If You’re in A Fake Relationship

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Last Updated on January 29, 2021

2. There is no spark there

While not everyone has to be the romantic type, a little romance is always welcomed in a relationship. The lack of romance in a relationship is usually what causes the love and attraction to wear off. Are you the only one attempting to create intimate moments? Are you the only one trying to keep that “fire” burning? If the answer is yes, then it’s definitely the time to take a step back and rethink this relationship you are trying to maintain. In the absence of romance, there is no relationship. And you sure deserve more.

3. They don’t seem about solving conflicts

Everyone who has ever been in a relationship knows that conflict happens, and it’s normal. But arguments have a purpose: to settle issues. And if your arguments don’t seem to go anywhere and your partner doesn’t show any active interest in solving the conflicts between you, this is a huge toxic relationship sign. This level of emotional detachment is neither normal nor healthy, and it puts a lot of pressure on your end to carry out the relationship. Do not accept this behavior and preserve your integrity and mental health.

4. They don’t try to meet you halfway

A relationship is supposed to be a commitment between two people, which means you should both be sharing the burden. Are you always making concessions to please them? Are you the one who always makes an effort to spend time with them? The one who always texts first? Then it’s time to leave and find someone who shows interest in sharing their life with you.

5. They never ask you about your feelings

Being in a romantic relationship means that you care about each other’s thoughts and feelings. You communicate with them; try to understand each other’s perspectives and find a way to solve issues. They will want to know everything that’s going on with you, even the smallest things. But if your partner doesn’t show any interest in understanding how you feel and what you think, this most likely means they are not interested in you, period.
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