What Do Your Palm Lines Say About You?


Last Updated on June 27, 2020

Fire hands: long palm, short fingers, and peculiar skin creases. Those with fire hands are typically passionate and self-assured people. The drive to fulfill their desires and aspirations may cause a lack of empathy.

Water hands: soft hands with long palms and long fingers. Those with water hands are very creative, have great intuition, and know they can trust their emotions. Because they attach great importance to their feelings, these people often get hurt and stressed.

Types of palm lines:
These main palm lines depicted in the picture below (heart, head, life, and fate) are the primary tool used during a palm reading session. Their meaning is essentially determined by their depth, length, and curvature (crease interception and mounts crossed also help the analysis).

Palm readers often try to get to know a few key details about the person whose hand they are holding to fuel their analysis and give richer observation about their life situation. Here’s what your palms say about your personality. In the end, it is mostly about intuition.

1. Heart Line

Palm readers usually start with this one. They know this line has a huge impact on the other person, and it is easier to read and start unraveling little bits and pieces about their general life. As the name itself suggests, the heart line represents emotional and love life, physical attraction, and other matters of the heart. Here’s what your heart line says about your love life:

Deep and clear line: people who are steady and reliable;

Thin or broken line: people who are more sentimental and changeable;

A line that starts below the index finger: people who are happy when in a relationship;

A line that starts below the middle finger: people who have the potential for restlessness;

Breaks along the line: people who tend to have a very active romantic life with multiple lovers (even if that implies infidelity)

2. Head Line

The head line is always the next in line! It represents the matters of the mind and can give insights about the subject’s intellectual ability and thirst for knowledge.
Wavy line: people with progressive thinking;


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