10 Interesting Things Your Smile Says About You!


Last Updated on March 27, 2020

4. You are feeling agitated

The muscles on the corners of your mouth are controlled by you, so you can move them however you wish. The fact that you can manipulate that expression allows you to control your nervous smile, which is usually characterized by the pressing of your lips against each other.

This one is quite difficult to hide because it is usually followed by other traits, like your face getting red, or your hands moving a lot.

5. You are under pressue

When people are under stress, they can develop a series of involuntary responses that are not aligned with the situation that is occurring.

If someone starts laughing unexplainably and without any context, this can mean they are under a lot of pressure and that their brain is trying to deal with everything at once, and it’s getting overwhelmed.

6. You feel a sense of superiority

Among the many types of smile, this is probably one of the most uncomfortable. A smile is often associated with positive emotions, but it can be used ironically, on purpose, to display negative feelings like contempt, or to illustrate a sense of superiority.

This is the type of grin the villains on tv shows usually have on their faces, so it should be quite easy to recognize it in real life – especially because if people really experience that emotion, they will have no reservations with their facial expression.

7. You are in love/attracted to someone

The smile is not the same, of course, but both situations can add that special curve to your face. How to know if you’re in love? Well, people who are in love tend to smile a lot when they are together, and those smiles are open, expressive, filled with joy and warmth. Overall, they feel sincere and welcoming in a way you will surely recognize if you ever see it. Someone who feels lust will smile in a whole different way, and that smile will be accompanied by other signs someone is flirting, like excessive touching that seems accidental, or other lip actions. To summarize it: genuine smiles express love, and a lot of lip movements indicate passion and desire.


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