10 Interesting Things Your Smile Says About You!


Last Updated on March 27, 2020

© Delta Dental of Illinois

A smile can be a defining feature in some people’s faces, and it’s a great form of non-verbal communication– you can say all sorts of things using your smile.

However, sometimes you can do it with no intention and even end up revealing a little more than you planned to. Here are ten things your smile says about you, deciphered with the help of body language experts.


1. You are filled with joy

If your mouth is open and your teeth are showing, this is what experts call a happy smile. This type of smile conveys comfort, sincerity and warmth. It’s the kind of smile that improves your health because it’s honest and It really displays happiness.

This sincere smile is often associated with a reflex where people throw back their heads. Because it’s so spontaneous and genuine, it is hard to spot when someone is faking joy.

2. You want to experience happiness

As we mentioned before, a smile can reflect different feelings and emotions, but the one it is most commonly associated with is bliss. However, sometimes you simply won’t feel like smiling, and this is something you should change.

Research has shown that even if you don’t feel like smiling, you should force yourself to do so. Your own smile has the power to cheer you up – it’s your job to turn a fake smile into a real one.

3. You are hiding your true feelings

A smile that begins and ends on a fast note can be one of the signs someone is lying, or at least trying to hide their true emotions.

During social interactions, people will make the best use of their social skills to try and cover up any negative feelings they want to share at the moment. It’s important that you know how to read body language, so you can look for adjacent expressions that reveal a little bit more about someone else’s smile.


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