This Is How You Know If Your Husband Really Hates You!


Last Updated on April 6, 2020

© Miss

Sustaining a marriage is hard work. It entails that both parties, i.e. the husband and wife, work toward a common goal—the success of their marriage. Unfortunately, not many couples succeed in this task, which leads them to break their marriage vows.

Moreover, they either start a long process of therapy with marriage counseling or they end up divorcing, having exhausted all their resources on some marriage therapist.

Unfortunately, sometimes, marriages fail because the husband starts hating the wife for a number of reasons, which jeopardizes the whole marriage and prevents any kind of marriage therapy from working. The relationship, therefore, takes upon the guise of toxicity, which means that leaving a toxic relationship becomes a necessity for the wife.

As this is a very important topic, we’d like to acquaint all the wives out there of the signs through which they can tell whether their husbands hate them or not. Make sure that you read the entire article to learn all about these signs—you might even find some marriage advice. Read ahead!


1. He constantly fights with You

A husband who constantly gets into fights with you is a husband who could be hating you and not telling you that he does. The emotion of love is extremely crucial for a husband and wife relationship.

Therefore, when hatred comes into the mix, those marriage rings cease to mean anything. Therefore, try to monitor how often your husband gets into fights with you. If he does so more often than not, then that could be a sign that he hates you, which is a problem that needs to be addressed sooner than later.

2. He doesn’t spend time with You

When a love relationship evolves into marriage, it happens because the couple has realized the benefits of marriage and does not want anything but marriage. This involves spending as much time as possible together.

Therefore, when the husband starts to find or make up excuses for spending as little time with you as possible, then you might be dealing with a husband that hates you. Try to confront him about it and get to the bottom of the issue. Otherwise, the problems will keep on taking a large portion of your lives.


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