7 Ways On How To Survive The First Year Of A Relationship


Last Updated on May 16, 2020

© Times of India

Most people might say the first year of a romantic relationship is the easier one. Everything goes smoothly because the passion is at the maximum level, sort of like the honeymoon phase. But that’s a wrong statement.

If you think about it, the first year is the year of adaptation. Yes, you might love the other person, but you’re also dating them for the first time, problems will arise, and they’ll test your relationship to the core.

Some people are just not meant to be together or find out they aren’t ready to be in a relationship with anyone but themselves, and these are things you realize in the first year.

So no, the first year is not easy. Maybe the first month because everything is new, but once things start settling in, that’s when the real adventure begins.

If you’re currently in your first year with your new romantic partner, and you’re worried about turning this new relationship into a long term relationship, then keep reading, and you’ll find out how to make a relationship last.


1. Do. Not. Snoop!

Trust is one of the most important things on how to have a successful relationship.

Even if you’re suspicious about something going on, snooping your boyfriend or girlfriend’s phone isn’t the best idea. And on top of that, you’d feel guilty for doing it, especially if you found nothing bad on their phones.

We get it, being insecure in the first year is normal, but the best way to fix this is by talking to them directly and avoid communication issues from the start!

2. Meet their friends, but not all!

When it comes to meeting your boyfriend’s friends, you should set boundaries.

He or she might want you to meet all of them at a party or as soon as possible. That’s usually a good sign. It means your partner is eager to introduce you to their friends.

However, meeting the friends can sometimes be scarier than meeting the actual parents! If you relate to this, then it might be better to meet his friends separately, not the whole pack in one go!


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