What Does Your Handwriting Reveal About Your Personality?


Last Updated on October 23, 2020

Graphology is the name given to the study of handwriting with the purpose of discovering personality traits. According to handwriting analysis experts, analyzing the way people write can disclose more than 5,000 personality traits.

Have you ever thought about that? In this article, we are going to tell you what some aspects of your handwriting can say about your personality.

1. Is your handwriting big or small?

Handwriting analysis will canvas every aspect of how you write to try and determine your personality traits. According to experts, people who write in large letters tend to be more relaxed and have an extroverted personality, while introvert’s handwriting will be smaller.

If your handwriting is neither too big or too small, you are the kind of person who can maintain your focus and concentrate on everything you put your mind to.

2. The Space You Leave Between Words

People who appreciate freedom and that treasure their independence tend to leave a lot of space between their words.

On the other hand, people who are more attached and that enjoy the company of other people will often squeeze their handwriting. In this case, the way you write can reflect the way you like to relate to people – if you enjoy your space, or if you often prefer to be surrounded by people.

3. Do You Put A Lot Of Pressure On Your Pen?

When reading into what your handwriting says about you, the pressure you put on your pen is yet another relevant aspect.

If you apply a lot of pressure when writing, this may suggest you feel tense, or that you are experiencing some strong feeling, like anger. An empathetic person, on the other hand, will apply a softer pressure to their writing – but on the negative side, this may also mean you lack energy and vitality.

4. What About Your ”i’s”?

If you are a creative person, there is a great chance you will put the dot on your “i’s” higher on the page. Organized people tend to put the dot closer to the “i,” which also reveals that they are more detail-oriented.

Replacing the dot on your “i’s” with a circle shows that you are still quite childish and playful, and people who put their dot to the left tend to procrastinate more.

5. What Does Your Signature Say About You?

Even the way you sign can reveal something about who you are as a person. If self-confidence defines your personality type, your signature will be solid and legible.

People who opt for an illegible signature are often more reclusive, hard to read, and hard to approach – they are closed people, and it might take some time until they let you into their lives.

6. In Which Direction Are Your Letters Inclined?

The direction of your slant can also provide some insight into your personality. While a right slant shows that you enjoy meeting new people and that you can be quite the team player, people who write with a left slant are more private and don’t engage in conversation easily, having a more introspective position towards life.

7. How About The Way You Cross Your “T’s”?

This may sound like nonsense, but even a small detail like the way you cross your “t’s” can reveal a great deal of information about you. Determined people who often show enthusiasm are more likely to use a long cross, while lazy people will stick to a shorter cross instead.

Crossing your lowercase “t’s” up high means you are ambitious and set many goals for yourself; on the other hand, if your cross is lower, so are your goals and expectations. Maybe it’s time to aim your “t” cross higher and your goals too!

8. How Do You Draw The Letter “Y”?

The analysis of the letter y is bound to the lowercase version, and it’s all about the hook. If your loop is large, this means you are very likely a sociable person, with a lot of friends.

A straighter loop indicates that you carefully select the people you allow to get close to you and that you are higher standards when it comes to relationships.

9. Pointy Letters Vs. Round Letters

Pointed letters are characteristic of people who display a lot of intelligence, but that are holding back some aggressive feelings. People who engage in creative thinking daily, however, are more likely to have a rounder handwriting,

10. Are You A Fast Writer Or A Slow One?

People who lack patience and that hate wasting their time will likely write faster than the average person. On the other hand, people who take their time while writing and that are more meticulous with their handwriting seem to exhibit qualities like confidence, organization, and autonomy.

11. How To Know If You Are Lying Based On Your Handwriting?

If you are writing a large text and, all of a sudden, the slant on your handwriting dramatically shifts, this might be a sign that you are lying. This is something that happens involuntarily and that you can’t have control, which only makes it worse because it might give away the truth.

12. Do You Connect Your Letters?

People who connect their letters are more logical in their decision-making processes, basing their judgment on experience and facts.

People who do not connect their letters tend to act by impulse, basing their decisions on feeling and intuition. This second type of personality also spends more time engaging in creative and imaginative thoughts.

13. Do You Use Punctuation Often?

Punctuation can make a lot of difference in writing, helping you shape the way you want your words to be received.

However, there is a “normal” and proper amount of punctuation to serve that purpose. That being said, more emotional people have a greater tendency to use excessive punctuation.

14. Do You Close Your “o’s”?

Even the fact that you may or may not close your “o’s” can show something about you.

People who are more introverted, introspective, and that enjoy their alone time will close their “o’s,” the same way they close themselves. Extroverted and social people will do the opposite and leave their “o’s” open, just like their hearts and minds.

15. How Do You Write The Letter “e”?

Skeptical people who do not allow their emotions to get the best of them will draw narrower “e’s,” while people who write broader “e’s” are more open-minded and enjoy experimenting with new things, feelings and emotions.


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