7 Time Management Skills Of Successful People You Need To Adopt


Last Updated on January 3, 2020

One of the best time management skills is to split your days into buffer days and focus days. For instance, you can have a day for managing the employees and a day for working on developing the business. The key is to find a balance, and by the end of the week, you will feel satisfied that you got everything under control.

#3 – Focus on one task at a time

Multitasking is known to be the most efficient use of time, but when you tackle many things at once, you will not be giving each task the focus it deserves. Plus, our brains can’t focus greatly on two things at once for the most part.

Anyone that says they can multitask, it is true, but the quality of their work will not be as good as if they focused on each one separately and it can also waste more time than they intended to!

If you want true efficiency, then focus on one task at a time!

#4 – Learn to delegate

Even if you have the teleporting superpower, you still can’t be in all places at the same time. You have many tasks to do and many meetings to follow through, but you can split yourself into ten.

This is why you should use the time management technique that all successful people do, and it is to hire trustworthy employees that can help with other tasks when you are not available!
You will be investing your money in people that will help you win more time so you can do more and better things!

#5 – The 80/20 rule

One of the most helpful concepts for time management and to be productive is the Pareto Principle, or as they call it: the 80/20 rule.

It basically means that 80% effort gives 20% results or the opposite. For example, take a piece of paper and write down 10 tasks you need to do today, pick the two most important ones that you know will have the best impacts on your life, get them done, and you will have worked on 20% of your goals that got you the best results.


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